Thomas the Apostle
Monday, July 3, 2023
by Fr. David M. Knight
View readings for Thomas the Apostle, Feast:
Today is the Feast of St Thomas the Apostle.
LECTIONARY 593 (Eph 2: 19-22; Ps 117: 1,2; Jn 20: 24-29)
If your name is Thomas, you have at least four patron Saints to choose from: Thomas More and three who have last names beginning with "A" - Aquinas, a' Becket, and Thomas Apostle! Thomas the Apostle is also the patron of architects. Since he was not an architect and was a twin (that's what his name means), you would think he would be patron of twins instead. Maybe architects were better organized worldwide than twins were when the bidding took place. Anyway, the architects got him. His feast is July 3.
Thomas is more famous for doubting than for anything else, and his good buddy John snitched to the world about it (see John 20: 24-29) - hence his name "Doubting Thomas." But Thomas was also the first person to volunteer to die with Jesus (John 11: 16). He ran away the first time he got the chance to do it (Mark 14: 50), but we have to give him credit for good intentions.
Thomas took things kind of literally. When Jesus at the Last Supper said, "I'm going away to prepare a place for you... And where I'm going you know, and the way you know," Thomas jumped right in with, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" Jesus didn't give an answer that would have enlightened Thomas much, but it is one of the most beautiful lines in the Gospels, and we can thank Thomas for it: Jesus answered, "I am the way, the truth and the life." It just goes to show you that dumb questions can spark really useful answers. Maybe Thomas should be the patron of people who ask dumb questions. And maybe if we asked a few more questions about what we read in the Gospels, we would get some helpful answers too.
Jesus accepted Thomas for what he was. When Thomas said, "I won't believe Jesus has risen unless I can put my finger into the places where the nails went through His hands!" Jesus came back and invited him to do just that. He liked Thomas. And He likes us too, with all our faults and shortcomings. Because of Thomas we know it is okay to ask Jesus stupid questions and make dumb requests. We are frequently surprised at how far Jesus will bend to answer us.
Tradition has it that Thomas died a martyr in India, having been stabbed with a spear. He may have been a slow learner, but he finally got the point!
We ask Thomas to pray for us all on his feast day!
Reflections brought to you by the Immersed in Christ Ministry