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Our Father Is A Refuge

by Fr. David M. Knight

March 16, 2024

Saturday (Week IV of Lent)

Lectionary No. 249

Jeremiah 11:18-22; Psalm 7; John 7:40-53

"O Lord, my God, in you I take refuge." Psalm 7:2

There are times when we all need a refuge. Think of what life would be like if we had nowhere to go when we feel threatened or insecure.

As Christians, we know this world is not all there is. There is an “alternate universe” that predates and encloses this one. A world of Life, Truth, Goodness, and Unity. It is the dwelling place of God. Where God is, there is refuge.

A refuge has to be a place we can get to, get into, and get settled in.

We can always get to God our Father. He is infinite, boundless, omnipresent. It takes no time to reach him. “I am continually with you; you hold my right hand” (Psalm 73:23ff.).

And he always receives us. He is our Father. Where he is, is our “home”—that place where, “when you go there, they have to let you in.” We have a room there. Jesus said, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places… I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2). Our Father loves us. Whatever our need, he takes us into his arms.

And we can settle in. Be comfortable. Stay as long as we like. “Our citizenship is in heaven” (Philippians 3:20). It is where we “belong.” There truth replaces distortion, goodness evil, and unity division. God reigns.

ACTION: Read the “withdrew” (anachorein) texts in Matthew 2:14,22; 4:12; 12:15; 14:13. Do likewise.

PRAYER: “Father, deliver us from evil.”

Reflections brought to you by the Immersed in Christ Ministry

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