Our Father Communicates
by Fr. David M. Knight

March 8, 2024
Friday (Week III of Lent)
Lectionary No. 241
Hosea 14:2-10; Psalm 81; Matthew 12:28-34
“I am the Lord your God. Hear my voice!” Responsorial
After he announces, “I am the Lord your God,” what would you expect God to say next?
“Fall down and adore me!”? Or, “Obey my commands!”?
He says, “Hear my voice!”
Our Father does command. But more than that, he teaches. He explains his actions (some of them). Speaks words of comfort. Enters into personal relationship with us by revealing his mind and heart.
He, the infinite, transcendent God, draws close. He made us his creatures, but he remade us his children. He is not just our God. He is our Father.
We need to hear the voice of our Father. That is the voice Jesus heard: the voice of intimate, reassuring love. The voice that invites us to have no fear.
Psalm 115:11 encourages those who fear the Lord to “trust in the Lord! He is your help and your shield!” Jesus says, “Do not worry.” It is those who do not know the Father who ask, “What will we have to eat? Or drink?’ Or wear?” Jesus says, “Your heavenly Father knows you need all these things” (Matthew 8:6ff.). If we know the Father’s heart, we will not worry about anything.
Jesus and the Father speak with one voice: “The Father and I are one.” They both say, “My sheep hear my voice… I give them eternal life, and they will never perish” (John 10:27ff.).
ACTION: Count the ways you hear the Father’s voice.
PRAYER: “Father, open my ears to your voice.”
Reflections brought to you by the Immersed in Christ Ministry
