Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Saturday, January 4, 2025
USA: Memorial of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious
1 Jn 3:7-10/Jn 1:35-42 (Lectionary #207)
This Gospel summarizes the whole drama of Christian spirituality:
“What are you looking for?”
“Teacher, where are you staying?”
“Come, and see.”
True spirituality begins with the first question: “What are you looking for?” Sooner or later, Jesus asks everyone this question—perhaps every day.
The true desire of the human heart is to know where God dwells. How can we meet him, enter into relationship with him?
Jesus does not refer us to philosophy, theology, or “religion.” He says “Come and see!”
He made it easy by coming to earth so that all “who seek might find” him” (Matthew 7:7; Eucharistic Prayer IV). Where can we look?
In the Scriptures. In the Sacraments. In the action of the Mass. In Communion. In people in whom he acts. In those who need our help. In silence.
Daily, for just a minute, sit in silence. Imagine yourself going down into your heart, into the “doorless room” where God dwells by grace in your soul. Deeper than sensation, deeper than emotion, deeper than thought itself. Inaccessible through all of these; where even God won’t come unless you invite him.
Invite him.
He will come.
And you will see.
Friendship is interaction. Jesus is inviting you to “come and see.”
Iniative: “Seek the LORD where he may be found, call upon him; he is near” (see Isaiah 55:6). Experiment. See where and how you find Jesus most easily.