Immersed in Christ: Seventh Monday of Easter: May 17, 2021
"God, by the light of the Holy Spirit, you instruct the hearts of the faithful."

Before "leaving the world and… going to the Father,” Jesus promised: “I will not leave you orphaned… The Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all I have said to you" (John 14:26; 16:28).
With faith in Jesus's promise—and with the hope faith gives us—we ask God "by the Holy Spirit" to "instruct our hearts." We do not face this world and its problems alone. In the Paraclete, the "Advocate (ad-vocatus) called to our side," God is with us to instruct, advise, and remind us of everything Jesus said.
Faith is a subscription. The "faithful"—those who believe—don't just receive a certain number of truths. Faith is the gift of sharing in God's own act of knowing. Those who have faith have constant access to the mind of God. We have the "online support" of God through the Holy Spirit "teaching us" and "reminding us" of everything Jesus taught.
Our religion is relationship. Relationship depends on interaction. "Grace" is the gift of sharing in the divine interaction (life) of Father, Son, and Spirit. "Faith" is sharing in their mutual sharing of Truth. This is "by the light (enlightening) of the Holy Spirit." It is an experience of personal union, of divine interaction with God, through the Spirit as Person teaching and reminding us.
Christianity is constant, personal interaction with God—knowing all Truth, loving all Goodness, sharing all Beauty.