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Writer's pictureImmersed in Christ

Immersed in Christ: Second Tuesday of Easter: April 13, 2021

And with Your Spirit

Before reading the Gospel the "presbyter" (correct word for one who is a priest by Holy Orders as well as Baptism) or deacon says: "The Lord be with you." The people reply: "And with your spirit."

"God be with you" became a standard greeting and leave-taking in Christian cultures. Compare "Good-bye" in English, Adios, Adieu in French and Spanish, Grüss Gott and Führti Gott in German/Bavarian.

God is "with" everything we are, body and soul. But we address each other's "spirit," because, when dealing with those who have "grace," the "divine Life of God," we are conscious that we are interacting "in the Spirit" as persons who live and act as moved by the Spirit. We simply do not deal with people as ordinary human beings. We treat everyone as divine: divine children of God the Father, divine members of the Body of Christ, divine temples of the Holy Spirit who is dwelling in their hearts.

Jesus acts with, in, and through us in everything we do as his Body. The liturgy makes us aware he does this this through his indwelling Spirit, the Paraclete, which means "called to one's side"—"the Spirit of truth, who abides with us, and is in us to teach us everything, and remind us of all Jesus said" (see John 14:16-26).

When people say "The Lord be with you," we remind ourselves of the mystery of our spirits united to theirs.

ACTION: Frequently put your hand on your heart. Remember who is there.

PRAYER: Lord, be with me.

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