Immersed in Christ: Second Friday of Easter: April 16, 2021
Our Bond of Unity

The Creed says the Spirit "proceeds from the Father and Son" because no word exists to describe how the Spirit's existence depends on the existence of the Father and Son. All Three are eternal, Being Itself, the "uncaused Cause" of all that is. But the Being of God, the Being that just "Is," has to be a Being that is relationship between Three Persons. For God, Being Itself, to be is to be in relationship.
We say the Father "generates" the Son because Jesus used the words "Son," and "Father" to describe their relationship. But this is unlike any natural generation. "Only begotten Son" just means uniquely begotten. Likewise, the Spirit "proceeds" from the Father and Son uniquely—in a way that makes the Spirit the "bond of unity" between Father and Son.
The mystery of the Trinity teaches us that being demands relationship. And our relationship with God is not a covenant of laws, not just the adoring obedience of creatures to Creator, but the indwelling Person of the Holy Spirit, "bond of unity." We are one with God and each other as the Father and Son are one—"in the unity of the Holy Spirit" (see John 17:11, 21).
"For us there is one God, the Father, from whom…we exist, and one Lord, Jesus,… through whom we exist," and one Spirit, in whom we exist—"in Christ"—as one with the Father, Son, and each other (see 1Corinthians 8:6).
ACTION and PRAYER: Make the Sign of the Cross reflectively, with Awe and wonder.