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Fourth Wednesday in Ordinary Time

Writer's picture: Immersed in ChristImmersed in Christ

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Fourth Week of the Year

Saint Agatha, Virgin and Martyr

Mark 6:1-6. Year I: Hebrews 12:4-15; Psalm 103:1-18 (Lectionary 325)


Jesus must have grown up in a pretty ordinary way. When he taught in his home town people were “amazed” and said, “Where did he get all this?” They just saw him as the “carpenter” whose family were people they all knew.


There is good news here for those of us who were not exactly child prodigies, and who can’t claim any famous relatives to give us status. Jesus was God himself, but nobody knew it. And every one of us has the same claim to fame that Jesus had: the simple truth is, our Father is God. And because we share in his own life, we are divine. It doesn’t get any better than that!


The problem is, we have difficulty believing it — at least in any “real” way that is not just abstract religious doctrine. Jesus said, “Prophets are not without honor, except in their hometown… and in their own house.” Let’s take that even closer to home. We don’t sufficiently honor what we are, even in our own hearts! How do you feel about claiming to be the “light of the world”? About saying you can do the works that Jesus did; and, in fact, “greater works than these”?


In Nazareth Jesus could hardly work a miracle, “so much did their lack of faith distress him.” If he isn’t working miracles in us and through us today, it is because of our lack of faith.


We don’t have to do dramatic things like curing the sick instantly. We just have to let the power of God work in us and through us. Through words that speak truth, especially truth that affirms people and what they are called to be. Through small gestures that show people they are noticed and loved. Through little, quiet details of lifestyle that, if thought about, don’t make sense without the Gospel. Through inexplicably persevering efforts to bring about change where change is needed. Through faith. Hope. Love. Through grace made visible.


To work miracles by doing these little things, all we have to do is believe. Believe Jesus is living and acting in us. Believe Jesus is enabling us to think with his thoughts, speak with his words and act as his body on earth. Believe in a conscious way, remembering his presence within us. Remembering that he has sent us and accompanies us where we are sent — to home, to school, to work, to the ends of the earth! To believe and live out what we believe is to work for the “new evangelization.”


And “renew the face of the earth.”


Initiative: Use the WIT prayer: “Lord, do this with me, in me, through me.”

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