Saturday, November 25, 2023
by Fr. David M. Knight

To find lasting joy by faithfully serving as a steward of the kingship of Christ. Serving God is not static. To be faithful stewards we have to “invest” what is given to us and make it increase.
What can the statements below add to your appreciation for the Mass?
Sunday: We were anointed at Baptism “stewards of the kingship of Christ.” This was an empowerment entailing commitment. We need to be conscientious about what it commits us to do: to be always prepared and preparing for his coming.
Communion is a “foretaste of heaven.” But almost immediately the presider goes on with the Prayer after Communion, gives the blessing, and says “Go!” The Mass ends as Jesus ended his mission: with a sending.
Monday: The classic Christian choice is between fidelity and conformity. The refusal to conform to the expectations of one’s culture or peer group carries a price.
Tuesday: By receiving Communion we affirm that we have accepted to be Christ’s body and to be offered in union with him in the world as he was on the cross. When we drink from the chalice we “drink to the Covenant” and to all it entails.
Wednesday: All we have and are is an ongoing gift that has to be constantly renewed and sustained by God’s continuing creative act. We are dedicated as “faithful stewards” to managing for his mission everything he is giving us.
Thursday: The “people” generally approved of Jesus, but they did not stand up against their own religious authorities. When authority succeeds in squelching leadership, destruction follows. Lay leadership is essential.
Friday: Everything in our churches should focus us prayerfully on God and his glory—not on making Catholics look prosperous and part of the establishment.
Saturday: We are not overwhelmed with sorrow by knowing we are going to die. Death just brings us into the party. We celebrate Christ’s victory as an accomplished fact, not as a hopeful prediction. “Blessed are those called to the [marriage] supper of the Lamb.”
Develop the habit of being always mindful of your baptismal consecration as a steward of Christ’s kingship. Be intent on using your gifts to bring about change. See Mass as a receiving and a sending. Appreciate both. Live stewardship. Be accountable for what your life says.
Look at the heavens and earth and give your being back to God. Be a leader. Stand up and speak out until you are shot down. Be Christ’s steward: take responsibility for his Father’s house. Live love in joy and peace. There is no reason not to.
Reflections brought to you by the Immersed in Christ Ministry
