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After Pentecost: Living the Life of God

Writer's picture: Immersed in ChristImmersed in Christ

by Fr. David M. Knight

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Special Post


During the Christmas season, we tried to get to know Jesus better, and what personal relationship with him does for us. In Lent we focused on who the Father really is. And naturally, after Easter season, until the feast of Pentecost, we focused on our role in the Church as Prophets.


Now we enter into the season the liturgy calls “Ordinary Time,” and our aim will be to impress upon ourselves that it is not ordinary at all! This is the time of fulfillment, when God is saying, behold I make all things new! (Mark 1:15; Revelation 21:5). It is the time of grace, the time when Christians are called to live consciously the divine life of God.


If, during this time, we live ordinary human lives—even good human lives—we are denying the grace of our Baptism that made us divine sons and daughters of God. And we are turning a deaf ear to the plea Pope Francis made in his 2018 letter to the whole Church, “Let the grace of your Baptism bear fruit in a path of holiness. Let everything be open to God!” (Rejoice and Be Glad, 15)


Pope Francis began: “The Lord asks everything of us, and in return he offers us true life, the happiness for which we were created. He wants us to be saints and not to settle for a bland and mediocre existence.” He said, “My modest goal is to re-propose the call to holiness in a practical way for our own time.”


That is the goal of these reflections over the next few weeks: to hold out practical ways to get holy; that is, to live the divine life of God. And we will show the role the Church plays in this, provided we understand the mystery of what the Church really is.


As you read, be practical. Read both to understand and to do. And aim high!

In His Love,


Reflections brought to you by the Immersed in Christ Ministry

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