A Friend Who Makes Me Whole
by Fr. David M. Knight
Thursday, January 11, 2024
Week 1 in Ordinary Time
Lectionary No. 308
1Samuel 4:1-11; Psalm 44; Mark 1:40-45
"If you wish, you can make me clean." Mark 1:40
Jesus did not come to heal bodies, but persons. And anything in them that diminishes life “to the full.”
What diminishes life?
Only one thing, really: whatever keeps us from being in perfect relationship—united in mind and will and heart—with God as Father, Son, and Spirit.
It figures. “Life to the full” is sharing perfectly in the relationship (interaction) of Father, Son and Spirit: being One with them in living the Life (Being) of God totally:
· knowing all that is True,
· loving all that is Good,
· enjoying all that is Beautiful.
Heaven is joining the Three Persons in what they are doing with each other: sharing their Life.
It is “in Christ” that we have Life—through him, with him, and in him—as members of his living body, branches living by the life of the vine (John 15:5; 1Corinthians 12:13). The more we are united to Jesus, the closer we come to heaven on earth—even if we suffer; provided we suffer with him.
Whoever has the Son has life (1John 5:11).
True healing is taking away—freeing us from—all that keeps us from living totally the life of Christ in us.
Friendship is interaction. Interact with Jesus and he will make you whole.
ACTION: Ask Jesus above all things for the grace of total surrender to him.
PRAYER: “Lord, do this with me, do this in me, do this through me.”
Reflections brought to you by the Immersed in Christ Ministry